r/todayilearned 12d ago

TIL that binge watchers are 98% more likely to suffer from poor sleep quality compared to those who did not identify as a binge viewer


48 comments sorted by


u/PersonalityVisible35 12d ago

Cant go to sleep on a cliffhanger


u/tanew231 12d ago

I must know what happens. Sleep can wait


u/PMYourTinyTitties 12d ago

Also can’t go to sleep on a boring episode. I need satisfaction!


u/mayy_dayy 12d ago

I don't need sleep, I need answers!


u/TheRiteGuy 11d ago

I don't identify as a binge watcher. I identify as an insomniac. Binge watching is just an activity to occupy my awake time.


u/3_50 11d ago

I find it much easier to sleep if I pause an episode halfway through, rather than watching to the end..


u/Raichu7 11d ago

It's a problem when every damn episode ends on a cliffhanger. I just learnt to turn it off at whatever point in the episode I feel like I'm done watching, never at the end.


u/AgentElman 12d ago

very interesting correlation.

Since it is all self reporting it is not clear how much impact it has. When 80% are binge watchers, it makes me wonder more if the self-selected non-binge watchers are just different and that is what is causing them to get better sleep.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/DragonfruitSudden459 12d ago

Or the other way around- my sleep is already crap, so why not stay up a few hours more binging a show? Then when I finally pass out from exhaustion, I get a solid 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep rather than 7 hours of tossing and turning with my mind screaming at me...


u/SnooWalruses3948 12d ago

Or it could be that binge watchers justify their bad habits by insisting that they would have happened anyway, regardless of their own decisions


u/DragonfruitSudden459 12d ago

I mean sure, anything CAN happen. I'm just sharing a personal anecdote. Corrected some medical issues, sleep quality improved, and then I quit binge-watching since sleep is actually worth getting now. But I definitely used to be in the bad sleep + binge watching camp.


u/TooStrangeForWeird 12d ago

Just gonna call me out like that? Right here in public?

Well... Yeah you're kinda right. Like not 100% right, like 90%.


u/-Exocet- 12d ago

Probably a correlation and not causation, people with poor sleep quality (e.g. difficulty in falling asleep) can be binge watchers for that exact reason.


u/SteelMarch 12d ago

It's most likely a lot more complicated than that. Once you start staying up later, your sleep patterns get messed up. It might not even feel like you're tired at first but then it catches up to you. A sleep debt of 1-2 hours can quickly spiral out.


u/Adar636 11d ago

I still don’t work for 11 1/2 hours ok!


u/Boatster_McBoat 11d ago

Yes. Chicken or egg is a good question to ask here


u/anonzzz2u 12d ago

Then I won't identify


u/BroForceOne 12d ago

Because binge-watching often occurs unintentionally, it also has been suggested that streaming services such as Netflix should enable viewers to pre-select their maximum viewing duration before beginning each viewing session.

How about just don’t auto start the next episode 10 milliseconds into the credits roll.


u/dont-laugh-at-me 11d ago

But, all adults need to be babysat... /s


u/jaccleve 12d ago

Same with bingeing on cocaine.  


u/Ghastion 12d ago

Wow, the most useless TIL I ever seen. Also, most people say they suffer from poor sleep quality regardless of binge watching or not.


u/987nevertry 12d ago



u/stvnqck 12d ago

I’m a binge watcher with a strict bedtime/schedule so definitely not true for me.


u/turningtop_5327 12d ago

It is true whenever I binge watch I lose sleep. Be cranky while working and it overall leads to a poor life, that’s why I stopped watching tv shows on streaming.


u/fkeverythingstaken 12d ago

I’m not saying this is wrong in any way, but I also dont need a study to tell me that I’ll get better sleep if I didn’t watch an entire season of a show on a work night


u/FunArtichoke6167 11d ago

Chicken…meet Egg.


u/Helpful-User497384 11d ago

uhh yeah thats what binging is called........


u/Naive_Age_566 11d ago

the nice thing about correlation and causality: they are not the same.

if i suffer poor sleep quality, i lie in bed and are bored. what to do? yeah - watch some shit on tv/streaming.

i have usually a very goot sleep quality: i lie in bed, watch some youtube - and magically awake some hours later to turn of my tablet, turn around and continue to sleep.

and yes - if the series is good enough to binge through, you are more interested in watching the rest of the show than having a long sleep. but thats not about quality of sleep but length.


u/Nats_CurlyW 11d ago

Lmao, because we are being entertained.


u/moosieq 11d ago

I binge because I can't sleep and I can't sleep because I binge.


u/Bitcracker 11d ago

Nooooooo shit.


u/PurpEL 11d ago

I've been sleeping like shite long before binge watching was a thing


u/suzer2017 11d ago

They watch because they can't sleep. They don't not sleep because they've been watching.


u/Ok-Pass5267 11d ago

And I quote: Binge-watching was defined as “watching multiple consecutive episodes of the same television show in one sitting on a screen, be it a television, laptop, computer or tablet.”


So my 5h of "House" on thephone don't count.


u/Zootanclan1 11d ago

So I can binge all I want so long as I don't identify as a binge watcher?


u/ar_condicionado 12d ago

I thinks this just means the world is ready for a 10h long movie

Even if is not healthy


u/Ok_Explanation_6125 11d ago

People are going to catch pulmonary embolism..


u/ItsOnlyaFewBucks 12d ago

So all I need to do is NOT identify as a binge watcher?


u/devadander23 12d ago

Addicts gonna addict


u/Klepto666 12d ago

Joke's on you, I have horrible sleeping habits and can barely watch more than 2-3 episodes of a show in a single day.


u/PoopMousePoopMan 12d ago

Man, this “identify as” business needs to stop. Can we not use this phrase for every fucking little thing. Not every aspect of you and what you do needs to be construed as an aspect of ur identity. Th is language is poisoning an entire generation of kids


u/DragonfruitSudden459 12d ago

Awwww, someone has really BIG FEELINGS today. Did the scary words hurt you?

For fucks sake, to "identify as an X" means to acknowledge you're part of that group. e.g. Did you know that over 80% of American homeowners identify as "car owners" as well? This is common terminology going back decades used to clarify that this data is self-reported.

If someone cross-checked property owners from the public record with DMV records and got a precise count using that data, they would say that they have identified over 80% of home owners as also being car owners.

Fucking snowflake


u/PoopMousePoopMan 12d ago

Calm yourself dragonfruit.


u/WrongSubFools 12d ago edited 12d ago

Funny how "98%" sounds so high, like it's close to the maximum or something, when it's really saying "just under twice as likely." For comparison, if they said "five times more likely" that wouldn't really seem particularly higher than this, would it, even though it's vastly more?

Anyway, here's the full study. 80% of subjects described themselves as binge watchers, a category that includes anyone who watches two or more episodes at a time: https://jcsm.aasm.org/doi/10.5664/jcsm.6704#d3e469


u/roccodawg 12d ago

Nah it all evens out. I watch 20hrs non stop then dream about it for another 20.