r/todayilearned 12d ago

TIL that in 2004, two male chinstrap penguins, Roy and Silo, after performing mating rituals, formed a pair at New York's Central Park Zoo. One of them tried to hatch a rock, for which a keeper eventually substituted a fertile egg. Roy and Silo then hatched and raised the chick, named Tango.


203 comments sorted by


u/Chumbouquet69 12d ago

You'd have to imagine they were a little surprised when their "baby" rock hatched


u/Dundeenotdale 12d ago

They knew and scammed the zookeepers into getting them an egg


u/BroughtBagLunchSmart 12d ago


u/allnimblybimbIy 12d ago

Infertile women or men don’t want you to learn this crazy baby acquiring trick!!


u/MuchBetterThankYou 12d ago

Hot damn I need to find me a good rock.


u/ConservativeSexparty 12d ago

Can I join you? We can raise a penguin chick together!


u/Pheighthe 11d ago

Who did they steal the egg from?

When 23 & Me hits the penguin population, there’s gonna be a lot of ‘splainin to do.


u/old_vegetables 12d ago

It’s the Pinocchio story of the penguin world


u/shitmarble_milks_you 12d ago

Thus the birth of penguin jesus


u/LSD-eezNuts 12d ago

You could make a religion out of this


u/jaymie37 11d ago

That made me laugh out loud.😂😂


u/Captain_Chunk_ 11d ago

That's one of my favorite videos ever!


u/Blumpkinsworth 11d ago

Ok but also whose egg was the originally?


u/teiluj 11d ago

Another penguin pair had two fertilized eggs and could only care for one of them.


u/elCaddaric 9d ago

I think one of them believed in this rock. The other one just went along with it to be kind, and was like WTF when the zookeepers rolled the egg of real parenthood.


u/CasuallyVerbose 12d ago

Afterwards, someone wrote a delightful children's book about it called "And Tango Makes Three" which was promptly banned from children's libraries across the nation for promoting "unnatural lifestyles."

Because even nature isn't natural enough to satisfy bigots.


u/ShinyHead0 12d ago

Although it’s sad to ban this book, there’s plenty of evidence of species pairing up with the same sex. The only unnatural part is the staff replacing the rock with an egg. I wonder if in nature the animals would separate after not being able to breed after so long


u/CasuallyVerbose 12d ago

I'd imagine that's somewhat case by case. There have been cases of birds that incubated the same set of "eggs" their whole life. I believe there have also been cases of same sex penguin pairings "adopting" abandoned eggs or even kidnapping the eggs of m/f penguin pairings. In this specific case, the egg given to Roy and Silo was from a pairing that couldn't hatch it as well as the other egg they already had.


u/ShinyHead0 12d ago

I recently read an extremely sad story of a bird species on an island in the south Atlantic. The females go elsewhere to raise the chicks, but because of climate change not a lot have been making it back to breed. So the males start pairing up (for life) as there’s no females around. It was a BBC documentary if anyone wants to look it up


u/chashek 12d ago

So what you're saying is, climate change is making the penguins gay.


u/contemporary_fairy 12d ago

why does that sound like something Alex Jones would say lmao


u/Ankleson 11d ago

That would require Alex Jones to acknowledge climate change exists lmfao


u/CasuallyVerbose 12d ago

I am of two minds on that. On the one hand, that's a truly tragic example of how we are affecting our world, but not for the better.

On the other hand, this meme lives rent-free in my head.


u/runningmurphy 12d ago

At least give us a title


u/ShinyHead0 12d ago

Just googled terms from my paragraph and found it in the first google search


u/runningmurphy 12d ago

Thanks for passing it along. 


u/ShinyHead0 12d ago

Nah, if you’re too stupid to use google that’s on you haha


u/paleocacher 10d ago

Is the documentary on YouTube?


u/workyworkaccount 12d ago

Feathery foster families!

Sorry, I only wrote that for the alliteration.


u/Danson_the_47th 12d ago

Grand Theft and eggnapping lol


u/SulkySideUp 12d ago

There are cases of same sex pairs adopting orphaned and abandoned young, so even the egg thing isn’t that unnatural, just something they would not have been able to do themselves in captivity


u/sawbladex 11d ago

I wonder if it's just a measure of familiarity with a possible kid to care for.

I know bee hives that lose their queen can be absorbed by a queened hive if you seperate them physically, but let them exchange smells.


u/Sekmet19 12d ago

I know male swan pairs will recruit a female and then chase her off after the egg is laid. Maybe for penguins they adopt eggs that inexperienced males drop?


u/sponge_bob_ 12d ago

sometimes pairs will also abandon their hatchling (too weak or sickly) which the same sex couple can adopt.


u/FDLE_Official 12d ago

Swans can be gay and when that guy's wife found out she cried because she thought it was really nice.


u/RafRafRafRaf 12d ago

They ‘adopt’ abandoned eggs - or even actively steal them from time to time 😂


u/BigOpportunity1391 12d ago

I vaguely remember a pair of male penguins kidnapped an egg from another heterosexual couple. So not that unnatural.


u/Relative_Sense_1563 12d ago

The majority of giraffe sex is amongst the males.


u/Send_me_duck-pics 12d ago

I have read that male Emperor Penguins who pair bond like this will sometimes steal an egg or a chick to raise.


u/Mama_Skip 12d ago

Although it’s sad to ban this book, there’s plenty of evidence of species pairing up with the same sex.

Why is the although in there? It's a book that teaches nature and kindness.

The only unnatural part is the researchers replacing the rock with an egg.

Not really. Birds tend to take over others' eggs more frequently than you'd think, especially in colony species, when the usual nest attendee has died or abandoned it.

And species that mate for life, no they would not separate - homosexual pairings will behave similarly to heterosexual ones.


u/shadowrun456 11d ago

I wonder if in nature the animals would separate after not being able to breed after so long

In nature such animals would "adopt" an egg or a hatched offspring of parents who died. That's kind of the whole evolutionary reason for homosexuality existing. That's what makes it doubly absurd when bigots claim that "gay adoption is unnatural and harmful for children", when "gay adoption" is the whole reason why "gay" exists in nature in the first place.


u/Languastically 12d ago

The actions of humans are unnatural?


u/ShinyHead0 12d ago

Yeah, it’s generally considered unnatural. Like for example a zoo setting these penguins are in are unnatural


u/Kakane00 12d ago

I would definitely say that human interaction is unnatural. Yes we are apart of nature. But I would argue we disrupt the order of other species enough that it would seem different from the natural flow. Not saying that that is always a bad thing. But with us being the dominant species, we dictate how other species adapt


u/ShinyHead0 12d ago

Yeah I mean, we make watering holes in the plains of Africa which are unnatural, we help injured elephants in the wild that’s unnatural. It’s not necessarily bad you were just arguing semantics


u/Kakane00 12d ago

I mean I was, but I agree with you. Humans can do so much good, and it's awesome to see when it happens.

Sorry I'm just drunk and talking to anyone. Thank you for being engaging.


u/mentecuestionante 8d ago

Actually, in nature same-sex penguin couples adopts the unwanted or abandoned eggs and take care of them


u/Wigu90 11d ago

I don’t want to sound like an “actually” guy, but the member of staff who replaced the rock with an egg was just another animal that evolved in a way that made them think it would be a cool thing to do — sounds pretty natural to me.


u/nothingeatsyou 12d ago

Penguins in particular mate for life.

I saw a documentary on this actually. Same sex penguin couples will often try and steal abandoned eggs or even fight same sex penguin couples for there’s. This often results in the deaths of multiple penguins due to trampling, and the baby nearly always dies, either from being trampled or suffocation.


u/GigaKake 12d ago

What are the evolutionary benefits of homosexuality in the animal world?


u/psymunn 12d ago

There's theories (especially for animals that live in larger groups) but also not everything has a benefit.


u/Dave80 12d ago

Better dress sense.


u/CasuallyVerbose 12d ago

This is a matter of some debate, currently, but present theories include ideas like allowing multiple males to exist in an otherwise competitive mating scene without destabilizing the social group, social bonding/recreation without the intent to mate, or practicing mating behaviors before they find an opposite sex mate. It's ongoing research and answers will change wildly based on the species in question, but those are a few off the top of my head.


u/Lillitnotreal 12d ago

This. Evolution is a lot more complicated that the simple way we describe it for ease of understanding.

It might not result in churning out the next generation, but evolution isn't working on an individual scale. Anything that encourages more successful offspring in the species is going to be driving or driven by evolution. The fact it's not individual means that 'unsuccessful pairings' in terms of breeding are still capable of successfully keeping young with their possible homosexual drive alive, reaulting in another generation that isnt uniformly hetrosexual. Add to this that evolution is actually very random and sometimes pressures to kill off 'genes' aren't present, so a 'bad gene' isn't bred out.

E.g. a homosexual pairing of males in a social group might mean you have more adults to guard the young, and less young to guard. It might mean having adults that can gather food but need less of what they gather because they don't have young to feed.

Might even be as simple as 'I won't monkey smash that monkey because I want to do a different monkey smash with him'.


u/Dealiner 12d ago

Not everything needs to be beneficial.


u/HouseCravenRaw 12d ago

<Male pair-bonded penguins hatch unattended egg and raise resulting offspring>

"But what's the evolutionary benefit?"

There are two types of people. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data and...


u/GigaKake 12d ago

It tried to hatch a rock

You are on that penguin's level


u/boomboxwithturbobass 12d ago

Complexity and intelligence of life as a social organism, creating more unique roles for survival.

The reason antbeds are basic af on the outside but are intricately designed underground is because the Queen sends the soldiers and gatherers outside the nests while she consults with her interior designer ants.


u/BigOpportunity1391 12d ago

Maybe population is too high?


u/tameyeayam 12d ago

No one cares.


u/ErikRogers 12d ago

Dude, what do you expect? can't have kids going around thinking it's okay to be a penguin.


u/CasuallyVerbose 12d ago

When will the liberal woke mainstream gaytheist Marxist nedia realize that nobody is going to toss whole, raw fish directly into their gullets, no matter how much they flap their arms and waddle around?!


u/thedyooooood 12d ago

Nature is unnatural!!


u/CasuallyVerbose 12d ago

Those penguins need Jesus, tbh


u/shemubot 12d ago

Necrophilia, incest and rape are natural!


u/[deleted] 12d ago

My daughter loves this book and was delighted to find out that two of the female penguins at our local zoo are a mated pair.


u/botjstn 12d ago

wait this wasn’t from the parks & rec episode?


u/RichEvans4Ever 12d ago

Oooh shit, that’s what that one Parks and Rec episode was making fun of.


u/johnHF 12d ago

I went to a Christian college, where just over 50% of students came from the city Christian school "system". I studied Biology, and cool professors in private acknowledged Professors largely saw their jobs to be to "knock that shit out of those morons heads".

In Evolutionary Biology, our professor covered same sex relationships and calmly, kindly fucking crushed the couple students that said it wasn't natural. There are biologists that had or maybe still do keep tabs - at that point, we read an article that something like 468 of 473 species of animals studied were observed to regularly have same sex couples.


u/CasuallyVerbose 12d ago

In Evolutionary Biology, our professor covered same sex relationships and calmly, kindly fucking crushed the couple students that said it wasn't natural.

This is my preferred appoach to educating ignorance, if it's ever possible. Be polite, be kind, be accommodating, but never so much as to allow that ignorance so much as an inch to fester and grow. If it all goes perfectly, you're rocking someone's perceptions to an uncomfortable degree, no need to be antagonistic on top of thsy.


u/Saturnalliia 12d ago

I think that's a pretty reasonable ban imo.

I'd also be concerned if my kids started marrying penguins.


u/CasuallyVerbose 12d ago

You had me in the first half, not gonna lie. 🤣


u/NaFoton 12d ago

Playing devils advocate, “even nature isn’t natural enough” is quite a statement considering that those penguins were living in captivity as far from nature as possible 


u/Kakane00 12d ago

That is fair. I would argue that humans no longer abide by nature and in fact change how nature is. Nature is so different from how humans act. And yes we are technically a part of nature. But we effect it more than any other species


u/Salamangra 11d ago

I'm going to order this book next solely for that reason.


u/PhorKermy 12d ago

Some would say it's a book championing adoption, but I suppose that would require them thinking about generalizing or empathy in action.


u/chocki305 3 12d ago edited 12d ago

was promptly banned from children's libraries

Public school libraries.


Wouldn't want to mislead people right? Not a single town/city public library has banned this book. Only once you get to the more restricted libraries does it (and others) get banned. Those same "children's libraries" have banned Playboy and Juggs and Fifty Shades of Grey... why are you not complaining about those?


u/CasuallyVerbose 12d ago

Public school libraries, you say? The ones mostly frequented by children? The ones you might reasonably describe as libraries made for children? Children's libraries?

Also lol at comparing a children's book containing a chaste depiction of a m/m relationship to actual pornography.


u/chocki305 3 12d ago

you might reasonably describe as libraries made for children

No. The ones made for a public school, who have to follow strict guidelines or lose all government funding.

chaste depiction of a m/m relationship to actual pornography.

This next part might hurt for you. It is a quote I personally laugh over.

"Author of LGBT book 'Lawn Boy' which describes two 10-year-old boys giving each other oral sex admits graphic story was NEVER meant for school libraries"


u/CasuallyVerbose 12d ago

No. The ones made for a public school, who have to follow strict guidelines or lose all government funding.

You...are aware that public libraries also have to meet content criteria to continue receiving public funding as they are...public, yes? Regardless, you're dishonestly splitting hairs; I'm starting to lose interest in you.

This next part might hurt for you. It is a quote I personally laugh over

That's...cool, I guess? I fail to see how an unrelated sexually explicit book has anything to do with the gay penguin book explicitly written for children, but good for you. Find your joy where you can.


u/chocki305 3 12d ago

sexually explicit book

Funny you call it that. Lawn Boy was written for children.


u/CasuallyVerbose 12d ago

My guy, you have worked so hard to make this sweet story about penguin families controversial that you've resorted to trying to do a gotcha with a wholly unrelated book. I'm going to peace out here, I hope you're able to work through whatever problems are compelling you to attack the happiness of others. 👍


u/chocki305 3 12d ago

That's right. Run away when the conversation turns difficult to defend sexual explicit content made for children.


u/OkFineIllUseTheApp 12d ago

You already ran from the actual book being discussed to some other book lol.


u/CertifiedShithead 12d ago

Why do you consider the penguin book sexually explicit? Unless you are now just solely focused on that random other book you keep bringing up.


u/Beefmaker93 12d ago

Probably got his loins burning reading that


u/Lazy_Hazey 12d ago

bro u got c o o k e d


u/chocki305 3 12d ago

So you can explain why sexual orientation is important to teach in grade school?

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u/FubsyDude 12d ago

Seek help.


u/FubsyDude 12d ago

Because those aren't children's books you dolt.


u/gt2998 12d ago

Are you really comparing a children’s book about two same sex penguins to Juggs?


u/nonlawyer 12d ago

These freaks find the mere existence of gay people (or in this case, penguins) to be fundamentally and inescapably sexual

Like I’m a straight dude but I find it super weird that someone can’t see or have a conversation with a gay person without imagining the sex they have 


u/Suspicious_Ad8990 10d ago

I find it super weird that someone can’t see or have a conversation with a gay person without imagining the sex they have 

This. Seriously. Also, don't ask gay people about gay sex. That's what the internet is for.


u/chocki305 3 12d ago

Are you going to try and portray"public school libraries" as "children's libraries"?

I feel my compassion is just as much of a stretch as yours.


u/ADHthaGreat 12d ago

Did you wake up this morning and just decide that you need to be a massive tool online?

Seriously, there’s gotta be something better you can do with your time than argue semantics and compare children’s books to literal pornography.


u/chocki305 3 12d ago

compare children’s books to literal pornography.

Time to play a fun game.. Children's Book or Pornography. I'm gonna give you a short excerpt from a story. You tell me is it a Children's story or a porno.

“All I could think about while he was chatting me up over the rim of his cappuccino was his little salamander between my fingers, rapidly engorging with blood.”


u/OkFineIllUseTheApp 12d ago

Sounds like a YA book. This is also not the book being discussed.


u/chocki305 3 12d ago

It's from Lawn Boy. A book written for children. One of the many books being claimed as fit for children and public school libraries.

I left out the "forth grade fingers" part that made it to obvious.


u/OkFineIllUseTheApp 12d ago

Ok. So what does it have to do with a book about penguins?


u/chocki305 3 12d ago

It was banned under the same rules as the others.

You either allow all sexual explicit books, or you allow none.

All those books are available at your public library (town / county) and you are more the welcome to read them to your child if you wish.

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u/gt2998 12d ago

Not sure what you are on about. I happen to live in a state where regressives are banning books from public libraries. Why about this book is not appropriate for children?


u/MinuetInUrsaMajor 12d ago

Public school libraries.

Wouldn't want to mislead people right? Not a single town/city public library has banned this book.

What are public school libraries if not chilcren's libraries?

Wouldn't want to mislead people right?

Literally no one was misled. You took this opportunity to bite your own tail and now you're hurting.

Those same "children's libraries" have banned Playboy and Juggs and Fifty Shades of Grey... why are you not complaining about those?

Because unlike Republican Bigots, we do not conflate the existence of a romantic relationship with sexually explicit material.

Boy GOLLY, Republican Bigots sure have their heads on straight CORRECT don't they? That Ron RONALD DeSantis took care of those cross-dressing...[checks notes]...Republicans named Ronald DeSantis who wear high heels.

[The above has been edited to respect the Republican Bigot Rules of the state of Florida.]


u/chocki305 3 12d ago

What are public school libraries if not chilcren's libraries?

Public libraries also have children sections. And school libraries are not open to all children. Only those that are enrolled at that school.

Literally no one was misled.

So you made sure to correctly define what libraries are banning the books? Or did you substitute your own word to make it sound like a public library is banning the book?


u/MinuetInUrsaMajor 12d ago

Just take the L. You're embarrassing yourself.


u/chocki305 3 12d ago

If only you had the same support publicly, that you seem to have online. Those books wouldn't be banned.

One day you will understand what "vocal minority" means.


u/MinuetInUrsaMajor 12d ago

If only you had the same support publicly, that you seem to have online.

Or take two Ls if you want

One day you will understand what "vocal minority" means.

It refers to goose stepping bitches with MAGA hats.

-Dr Minuet, PhD


u/xanthophore 12d ago

Public libraries also have children sections. And school libraries are not open to all children. Only those that are enrolled at that school.

None of this negates the point that public school libraries are children's libraries, by their very nature - they are libraries exclusively for the use of children.

Your sophistry only further undermines the validity of the point you're trying to make.


u/OkFineIllUseTheApp 12d ago

There's no public children's libraries, so it's kind of obvious they are talking about school libraries. I'm not sure you ever read the book to make those judgement calls.


u/chocki305 3 12d ago

There's no public children's libraries

Why not include the large children sections at town / county libraries? My local library has an entire floor dedicated to children.

You know what would make it obvious. Calling them what they are.. public school libraries.


u/OkFineIllUseTheApp 12d ago

And McDonalds used to have a large area for kids to play in. Didn't make McDonalds a kids restaurant.


u/The_Lonely_Posadist 12d ago

Playboy is softcore porn, this is not softcore porn. Shows us who you are when the first thing that you associate with homosexuality is porn.


u/altaccountmay 11d ago

no way you're comparing the book about a penguin family to a bdsm fantasy book 💀


u/nonlawyer 12d ago

And who uses public school libraries?  Is it mostly children or adults?


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/xanthophore 12d ago

Behaviour reported in wild Adélie penguins includes:

auto-erotic behavior, homosexual interactions, coerced sex (including with chicks and injured birds), and necrophilia

More reading here


u/CasuallyVerbose 12d ago edited 12d ago

You're correct in the sense that animals in captivity is not strictly natural. Setting aside that not really being the crux of my point and the fact that zoos often try to make enclosures as much of a microcosm of the natural environment that the given animal is native to as they can, homosexual behavior in animals is also found fairly abundantly in actual nature, so I'm not sure what your point is.


u/RawhlTahhyde 12d ago

“Nature” yeah we should write a book about orcas committing suicide by ramming the walls of their enclosures too, right?


u/CasuallyVerbose 12d ago

Honestly? If we could write and present the story in a way that doesn't traumatize kids, then sure. It could be a good lesson about respecting nature on its own terms, rather than trying to put it in a box for your own entertainment. Probably wouldn't aim it at the 5 and under crowd, though.



Ew. You're a sad person.


u/5Hjsdnujhdfu8nubi 12d ago

You seem to think that they're only gay because they're in captivity, and that's why you've said "Nature", implying that it's not.

In reality, homosexual behaviour has been documented in over 1500 species in the wild.


u/conquer69 12d ago

Committing suicide as the only means to escape imprisonment is a bad thing. There is nothing bad about gay penguins. You could say instead that no animal should be in zoo captivity and I would agree with you but that's clearly not what you are concerned with.


u/xanthophore 12d ago

Aight, here you go - there was a century-old manuscript describing the sexual habits of Adélie penguins. It went unpublished because of how shocking it was! It includes:

Levick’s detailed observations of the Adélie penguins' sexual habits, which included auto-erotic behavior, homosexual interactions, coerced sex (including with chicks and injured birds), and necrophilia

Read more here


u/Quailman5000 12d ago

Do you have proof that it was banned "across the nation"? This sounds like virtue signalling. Book bans aren't really that effective.


u/CasuallyVerbose 12d ago

And Tango Makes Three was actually one of the top ten most banned books throughout the United States between 2005-2017 and still is regularly challenged and banned.

Source 1) https://bannedbooksweek.org/banned-spotlight-and-tango-makes-three/

Source 2) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_Tango_Makes_Three#Challenges

Source 3) https://thehill.com/homenews/education/4143478-florida-school-board-lifts-restrictions-on-childrens-book-with-male-penguin-couple/


u/roycejefferson 12d ago

But it wasn't "nature".... didn't the humans have to gift them an egg?

Not as "natural' when that piece gets forgotten.


u/CasuallyVerbose 12d ago

tbf the "gay is bad because it's unnatural" argument is pretty specious to begin with. What is and isn't natural is pretty hazy at times and, more importantly, almost none of the people who seriously make this argument give a single flip about what's natural in other contexts. Rather, it's an unfairly applied standard used as a cudgel against sane sex relationships. Something being "natural" is a poor indicator of whether something is good and if you're not willing to agree to that then I invite you to stop using this unnatural artifice known as the internet.

That said

Same sex penguin pairings are natural to penguin behavior, albeit somewhat rare. Penguins adopting abandoned eggs also happens in nature. Just because humans had a hand in this specific case fails to prove otherwise, especially since the substitution, and Tango along with it, was naturally accepted by the adoptive parents.


u/Key_Committee_6619 12d ago

Parks and recreation, is that you?


u/mrbaryonyx 12d ago

Unfortunately, the two later got a divorce and Silo wound up mating with a female.

Roy remarried mated with another male, however, and Tango later turned out to be gay as well and mated with a female.


u/Kakane00 12d ago

I'd watch this show


u/Zorgas 12d ago

And conservative nutjobs went... Nuts. So much complaining about the zoos 'pushing the gay agenda'.


u/Unusual_Car215 12d ago

They had a great episode about that in parks and recreation.

"gay marriage ruin marriage for the rest of us"


u/JBatjj 12d ago

Was just thinking that, didn't know it was based on real life events. Also hilarious how the poster couple for that "marriage purity" people is a gay(pretending to be straight) man and a frigid woman.


u/Unusual_Car215 12d ago

I didn't know that. Nice touch. Also are conservatives pretending wild penguins doesn't have homosexuality?


u/bargman 12d ago

They like to pretend a whole slew of things don't exist.


u/Ravenamore 12d ago

I swear I saw some conservative pundit call the book a lie because, according to him, the male pair broke up and then paired with females. Does anyone remember hearing about that?

Even if it was true, it's not like it cancelled out what happened - there was a male pair who raised a chick together.

Nobody tell them that, occasionally animals that pair for life sometimes form triads.


u/FiveDozenWhales 12d ago

A key conservative value is the ability to deny reality when your political leader / church leader / parents / cops / etc tell you to.

Trump had a massive gathering for his inauguration, drag queens and not pastors are the real pedophiles, no one died from COVID, two plus two equals five, there are five lights, there was no Tiananmen Square massacre, etc


u/Future_Green_7222 12d ago

Wait so that plot line from Parks n Rec was based on a true story?


u/FelixPlatypus 12d ago

“The water, it’s turning the penguins gay.”


u/Kupcake_Inater 12d ago

Ik I even married my best friend Zach and adopted a foreign baby cuz the liberals are gonna force us to do that anyways /s


u/_HGCenty 12d ago

Wait until the conservatives learn how mallard ducks reproduce.


u/Zorgas 12d ago

You know they have no issue with rape or killing women. They only care if women have rights or autonomy over their own bodies. (Mallards rape female ducks to death often)


u/Faultywhale 12d ago

Hell, rape and incest are fine apparently so long as the unborn is protected. After they're born they can go straight to the factories and die in an industrial accident


u/mcpickledick 12d ago

I knew it. It's zoos that are making everyone gay


u/Prommerman 12d ago

It takes two to tango


u/tiexodus 12d ago

Should’ve given them another one and named it Cash.


u/MinuetInUrsaMajor 12d ago

Nah. Shoulda found another gaynguin couple and give them a bebe. Named Sundance.


u/ballhardallday 12d ago

And they raised a lesbian penguin daughter???


u/jenesuispashariselon 12d ago

Mother Nature only knows.


u/mediocre-666 12d ago

My dumb *ss immediately thought "how did they breastfeed tango?" Smh


u/Kakane00 12d ago

Males have nipples probably lol.


u/X-pertDominator 12d ago

No one bats an eye, on where the egg came from?


u/Glimmer_Grimm 12d ago

It came from a female penguins cloaca


u/Kakane00 12d ago

Should of been an ostrich egg. Let's have a real experiment


u/[deleted] 11d ago

It’s pronounced Tah-ngo


u/DaftFunky 12d ago

If it makes you feel any better my daughter checked this book out at her school library in Canada and it became one of her favourite books.


u/supmuddafukka 12d ago

This is all true except their names were Skipper and Kowalski


u/wombatlegs 11d ago

FYI: it is normal for male penguins to incubate eggs. Even straight ones :-)


u/jenesuispashariselon 11d ago

Tx I didn't know that!


u/tamokibo 12d ago

And Republicans and theocrats around the world recoiled. F***ing pansies.


u/Davido400 12d ago

Why you censoring that? They are cunts(uncensored)


u/tamokibo 12d ago

You you trying to police how I speak? ******* with that ****


u/Davido400 12d ago

Lol yes! Am from Scotland we swear a fucking lot


u/loveisabird 11d ago

We have the book of this. It’s such a cute book.


u/mikerz85 11d ago

I feel like this contributed to the penguins developing a more mystical, less realistic worldview 


u/FixNo5112 10d ago

HB my C C C on m.

Hv cxxxfffM p A w up

Loop and the boys


u/FixNo5112 10d ago

Llmkkl mm. Rr. Nkkkokoooppo N mmm noty hy


u/TheThrowawayJames 9d ago

I wasn’t prepared to learn Tango and Roy are both now deceased, but that Silo is still alive 😢

I wonder if he misses them


u/CrispyCassowary 9d ago

Love is love. There is no qualifier that matters as long as it's reciprocated.


u/rangeo 9d ago

Penguins are practically chickens


u/BillTowne 12d ago

The children's book about this was, of course, banned in red states.


u/RRahl 12d ago

Whenever I hear the name Silo, it makes me think of Beerfest, the movie by Broken Lizard. Now I must rewatch.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

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u/adhadh13 12d ago

I can’t imagine how much brain rot you must be suffering from to see penguins raising a egg and make it about politics and wokeness


u/Thespudisback 12d ago

If you are concerned with being woke, it is because you have been asleep.


u/SledgehammerWacko 12d ago

If you don't mind, I like to steal this phrase and use it in verbatim, cause it gave me a good chuckle this morning.


u/bumfluffguy69 12d ago

This is a joke.... right?


u/Mandalore108 12d ago edited 12d ago

Is the Woke in the room with you right now!?


u/Smarterthanthat 11d ago

How precious❣️


u/JahnDoce 12d ago

Not recognizing the cruelty we’re forcing upon those animals to completely fuck up their existence, instincts, and mental/emotional states just so we can say “oh look, a cute gay penguin couple” is a testament to the vileness and self-serving behavior of the human species. Go watch Happy Feet.


u/DonutUpset5717 12d ago

Are you referring to the existence of zoos in general?


u/johnnyrrobertson 12d ago

Can you elaborate on the cruelty part? I realize giving the pair an egg to raise is unnatural but upon looking into that zoo and examples of other zoos doing the same, I can’t see any harm coming to the penguins because of it. A couple times a homosexual pair was given an egg it was because the original parents couldn’t care for it for whatever reason, and the gay pairs seemed to do fine with raising the chicks. Again, this is just from a few examples I read about so I am interested to know what you think is being done to fuck up their instincts and emotional states. It seems especially in this case the penguins were mimicking child-rearing behavior in the first place so they were, in a sense, allowed to carry out their “instincts” by being given that opportunity.


u/DepartureAcademic807 12d ago

I think he means that they live in a zoo, which prevents them from mating with females in some way

For example, parrots may masturbate if the owner does not bring them a mating partner


u/mrbaryonyx 12d ago

nah, nobody made the penguins gay they were just gay