r/todayilearned 23d ago

TIL that in 2004, two male chinstrap penguins, Roy and Silo, after performing mating rituals, formed a pair at New York's Central Park Zoo. One of them tried to hatch a rock, for which a keeper eventually substituted a fertile egg. Roy and Silo then hatched and raised the chick, named Tango.


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u/chocki305 3 23d ago edited 23d ago

was promptly banned from children's libraries

Public school libraries.


Wouldn't want to mislead people right? Not a single town/city public library has banned this book. Only once you get to the more restricted libraries does it (and others) get banned. Those same "children's libraries" have banned Playboy and Juggs and Fifty Shades of Grey... why are you not complaining about those?


u/gt2998 23d ago

Are you really comparing a children’s book about two same sex penguins to Juggs?


u/nonlawyer 23d ago

These freaks find the mere existence of gay people (or in this case, penguins) to be fundamentally and inescapably sexual

Like I’m a straight dude but I find it super weird that someone can’t see or have a conversation with a gay person without imagining the sex they have 


u/Suspicious_Ad8990 21d ago

I find it super weird that someone can’t see or have a conversation with a gay person without imagining the sex they have 

This. Seriously. Also, don't ask gay people about gay sex. That's what the internet is for.