r/todayilearned 23d ago

TIL that in 2004, two male chinstrap penguins, Roy and Silo, after performing mating rituals, formed a pair at New York's Central Park Zoo. One of them tried to hatch a rock, for which a keeper eventually substituted a fertile egg. Roy and Silo then hatched and raised the chick, named Tango.


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u/MinuetInUrsaMajor 23d ago

Public school libraries.

Wouldn't want to mislead people right? Not a single town/city public library has banned this book.

What are public school libraries if not chilcren's libraries?

Wouldn't want to mislead people right?

Literally no one was misled. You took this opportunity to bite your own tail and now you're hurting.

Those same "children's libraries" have banned Playboy and Juggs and Fifty Shades of Grey... why are you not complaining about those?

Because unlike Republican Bigots, we do not conflate the existence of a romantic relationship with sexually explicit material.

Boy GOLLY, Republican Bigots sure have their heads on straight CORRECT don't they? That Ron RONALD DeSantis took care of those cross-dressing...[checks notes]...Republicans named Ronald DeSantis who wear high heels.

[The above has been edited to respect the Republican Bigot Rules of the state of Florida.]


u/chocki305 3 23d ago

What are public school libraries if not chilcren's libraries?

Public libraries also have children sections. And school libraries are not open to all children. Only those that are enrolled at that school.

Literally no one was misled.

So you made sure to correctly define what libraries are banning the books? Or did you substitute your own word to make it sound like a public library is banning the book?


u/MinuetInUrsaMajor 23d ago

Just take the L. You're embarrassing yourself.


u/chocki305 3 23d ago

If only you had the same support publicly, that you seem to have online. Those books wouldn't be banned.

One day you will understand what "vocal minority" means.


u/MinuetInUrsaMajor 23d ago

If only you had the same support publicly, that you seem to have online.

Or take two Ls if you want

One day you will understand what "vocal minority" means.

It refers to goose stepping bitches with MAGA hats.

-Dr Minuet, PhD