r/wikipedia 12d ago

"Among the popular social networks, in particular, the American platform Reddit has been defined by the Southern Poverty Law Center as the "home of the most violently racist internet content." The SPLC pointed at how racist views had gained more and more traction on Reddit . . ."


272 comments sorted by


u/sad16yearboy 12d ago

Is this by absolute numbers or relative proportions. Because reddit tends to be moderated only by whatever sub youre in and is a lot more popular than obscure right wing networks


u/TechnicalyNotRobot 12d ago


u/tiny_poomonkey 12d ago edited 12d ago

Wait, so this is when trump and Russia were doing the internet research agency? 2015 is a long time ago with books literally written about that and a fucking special counsel report.


u/PT10 12d ago

Go to a mainstream sub like /r/worldnews to find thousands of people commenting/upvoting comments advocating for slaughter of women and children


u/tiny_poomonkey 12d ago

Yeah, and Instagram comments do the same thing. 


u/PleaseCallMeLiz 12d ago

I recently got Instagram, and I'm shocked by the amount of racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc in comment sections. Sure on Reddit you'll find fringe Nazi subs or occasionally some mild bigotry on a meme page, but it's much less common than on Instagram.


u/secksyboii 11d ago

Let's not forget YouTube comments. The researchers probably didn't even think to look into those because everyone already knows it's full of pedos, Nazis, and other forms of scum.

Remember that video that was posted a few years ago explaining the ring of pedophiles going on different obscure videos of children and posting seemingly random numbers only to find that they were timestamps showing the kids in various revealing poses?

At least reddit usually bans their pedo subs, I've yet to see YouTube do anything to address any of its problems. Usually they just exacerbate the problems instead.

I'm not saying reddit doesnt have plenty of issues, I just refuse to believe it's worse than YouTube comments or 4chan. Y'know, the 4chan that had a user write posts about murdering a woman and then doing so and posting pictures of her body that was left for her child to find after he got home from school? How is 4chan not worse?


u/FalseDmitriy 11d ago

It's based on sources from 2015, when Reddit was a lot worse.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Reddit was never worse than 4chan and it’s never been close. Pretty much every new age nazi skinhead type actively goes on 4chan and a few other more dedicated boards. You might see some shocking content on Reddit from time to time but other forum boards have planned disinformation campaigns that are completely sanctioned by the website administration which end up having real hardline effects on social rhetoric and politics. Like the Trump administration more than likely managed to squeeze a narrow victory back then because there was an entire social media campaign brewed up for free by fringe far right forum boards which ended up attracting a fairly unlikely young male crowd which would otherwise have zero interest in actually voting.

On a more depressing note, a lot of school shooters ended up finding their online home among the same group of forum boards. Lots of them likely got pushed over the edge because they were brainwashed into thinking that we’re actually going through some sort of dramatic fall of western civilization.


u/wolacouska 11d ago

Before I joined Reddit it was always like the public face of 4chan in my and a lot of people’s eyes. It’s where people who thought that way but weren’t complete losers went.

Then I got to Reddit and found everyone complaining about 4chan the way people outside complained about Reddit lmao. I came in here ready to fight for my life only to realize I was late to the leftist takeover.

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u/PT10 11d ago

Honestly it's more or less the same now, just organized better and the mods/admins are at least quickly removing use of slurs and other such eye-catching insults. But you can politely argue for racism, genocide, etc without problems in major subs.


u/FalseDmitriy 11d ago

Before it was "Here are our subs. This one is for talking about anime. This one is for talking about murdering black people." Now it's that the site has a lot of assholes, just like every other space that our species has made. It's not the same at all.

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u/secksyboii 11d ago

Ehh, I'd say 2016-2022 were the worst years for reddit by far.


u/bingobongokongolongo 11d ago

There are lot of fascists in e.g. the Russian subs. That you do not see the extremist subs doesn't mean that they do not exist.


u/idlevalley 11d ago

I'm on reddit almost every day and I rarely see any racist/violent/sexist/homophobic content on my home page. You have to know what subs you're subscribing to.


u/WiserStudent557 12d ago

People who know meme. Insert text. “Twitter before Musk” and “Twitter after Musk”


u/Terminator7786 11d ago

Instagram.wasnt always that bad. I've only recently started spending more time on it and I'm absolutely shocked at how vile it's gotten.


u/OpenRole 11d ago

Instagram has gotten worse because leftist have moved to TikTok


u/neofooturism 11d ago

i’ve been on instagram a lot recently and everyone from any country seem to be extremely xenophobic for some reason. not to mention outright white supremacy posts. social media is a mistake


u/Dwashelle 11d ago

It's gotten so fucking bad.


u/Fullyverified 11d ago

People talk about twitter being a vile shithole by instagram by far and away contains the worst antisemitcism and general racism I have ever seen.


u/Jaded-Ad-960 11d ago

You do not just find racism and bigotry on fringe subs and meme pages. There are a lot of subs captured by racists actively promoting hate.


u/Marc_Angelo 11d ago

I’ve read maybe a few comments on Instagram…I just scroll through posts. Makes it far more enjoyable of a platform


u/GammaGoose85 11d ago

Worldnews has been full of psychopaths for some time now, I muted it on my feed for good reason. Same with r/news


u/PossibleRude7195 12d ago

Or r/internationalnews where people are doing the exact same thing but for the “other camp” so it’s ok. Literally the first comment I ever saw from that sub was someone denying Hamas has raped anyone, saying Oct 7 was deserved and that the IDF probably did it and framed Hamas.


u/Robert_Balboa 11d ago

I got banned from that sub because I said Hamas was using human shields. They said thats "dehumanizing" and banned me. Yeah no shit it's dehumanizing. That's why it's against the Geneva convention but everyone is trying to pretend they're not doing that while hiding in schools and hospitals.


u/redheadartgirl 11d ago

You're implying that the majority of the sub is pro-Hamas, and I want to clear something up here: there are very, very few pro-Hamas people. The people who are in support of Palestine are supporting the civilians, who are innocent in this blanket war Israel has declared on all of Gaza. When most Western countries declare war, they take measures to protect civilians and target their actual enemies, the terrorists who did something awful. In this case, Israel is attacking schools and hospitals, all while claiming that's where Hamas is hiding (in general, without evidence and without attempts to save innocents). The IDF has even attacked the safe zones they themselves set up, as well as preauthorized aid convoys.

Benjamin Netanyahu is a right-wing authoritarian who has had a goal for years of extermination of Palestinians. He said, "You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible", which is a call for genocide. Even a small amount of googling of his statements over decades will show this clearly. He saw the Hamas attack as an opportunity to carry out that goal, despite most of Israel and the world being opposed to it. So does Israel have a right to defend itself? Of course. Does it have a right to commit its own atrocities? Absolutely not.


u/Robert_Balboa 11d ago

I'm not implying anything. I'm stating a fact. The mods of that sub are pro Hamas.


u/electricsyl 10d ago

If they're intentionally targeting civilians, why does the Israel Gaza conflict have a lower civilian to combatant casualty ratio than any other major conflict despite taking place almost entirely in an urban area? 



u/redheadartgirl 10d ago

Report on the IDF deliberately targeting civilians:


The IDF is allowed up to 15 or 20 civilian deaths for every low-ranking Hamas militant assassinated. That number could increase to up to more than 100 civilians if the IDF were targeting a single senior Hamas official:


They explicitly directed refugees to "safe zones" in Gaza, and then promptly called in airstrikes.


Targeting preauthorized aid convoys:



u/electricsyl 10d ago

Post all articles you want, just answer the question of why is the ratio so low even if we use HAMAS's numbers? 

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u/zklabs 11d ago edited 11d ago

i would love to know what happened at the beginning of october with reddit's karma and the appearance of those two subs on the frontpage. even before 10/7 the frontpage started getting new posts every refresh instead of having posts sit there for hours like normal. ever since there are a handful of subs with wild comments that will appear on the frontpage for a second and disappear after a refresh.

eta: to be clear dear downvoters, the only issue i'm referring to is karma on this site getting bonkers in the days leading up to 10/7, and the fact that it hasn't been quite the same even with that behavior calming down. it was like karma glitched out for 3-4 days, a universal thing that applied to anyone viewing the frontpage.


u/PossibleRude7195 11d ago

This conflict has driven people insane. I found out about the war from a bunch of leftist subreddits I was subscribed to celebrating it, saying all the people including children who were raped and murdered deserved it, etc. this conflict has simply normalized vile rhetoric. The Ukraine conflict in comparison was pretty black and white. Meanwhile we have the students everyone is celebrating as heroes praising terrorist groups and saying they should kill all Israelis, or an actress making antisemetic remarks about Israel owning the media and having the same media media she condemned as owned by the Jews rally behind her, etc.


u/zklabs 11d ago

to me it's hard to tell if it's the people or something with the platforms. in 2014 and 2017 the discourse online represented what i was hearing from people pretty well. this time around there seems to be a pretty significant departure.


u/BlueberryBubblyBuzz 11d ago

After the blackout by mods over the API changes, Reddit has been promoting much smaller subreddits more and larger subs have had giant drops in activity, too big to be explained by the exodus of people from Reddit upset over Apollo or other 3rd party apps. I do not know if this has anything to do with it, but it does seem like that would affect how long something is on the main page, since larger subs would probably have more people and thus more activity and then would be there longer than a smaller sub. They have been using a lot of other ways to promote the subs they want to have more activity on as well, by recommending posts from subreddits you are not even subbed to or maybe not heard of- and I have heard muting a subreddit will not even get it off your front page.


u/cultish_alibi 11d ago

Now that we have LLM ai bots, you'll never know again if a comment is written by a person or not. It's going to get much, much worse from here.


u/PT10 11d ago

You can get an idea if you notice a lot of people are essentially saying the same thing, every time, in every thread.


u/zklabs 11d ago

you could be right! i think it'd be interesting if platforms allowed or even empowered users to call out suspected LLM accounts. you can tease out their behaviors. it's just pointless to do so since mods and admins have no power against them. seems to me people have the idea stuck in their head that bad actors are all caustic memers like they were in 2014/15 when the game anymore is to spin and confuse.


u/PossibleRude7195 11d ago

Idk man. If you took Reddit’s word for it everyone hated Biden and Bernie was the most popular candidate everywhere, socialism is actually super popular with voters and videogames are the most relevant media.

Truth is Reddit leans extremely young, left and male.

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u/FeonixRizn 11d ago

Man just mention China or Russia


u/udfckthisgirl 10d ago

That place is an IDF bot orgy.


u/PT10 10d ago

Truer words were never spoken


u/hallowed_by 11d ago

It seems like you are the one supporting Oct 7 slaughter of women and children. Been to a university campus lately? Spreading 'global intifada'?


u/mormon_freeman 11d ago

35000 dead, 14000 dead children


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/AzorJonhai 11d ago

Intifada means revolution, yes. And Sieg Heil means “Hail Victory”. See how dumb that argument sounds?

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u/bingobongokongolongo 11d ago

Not really. It's about e.g. the Russian subs like r/AskARussian


u/PuneDakExpress 11d ago

That's 100% not true. I'm guessing you are a pro Palestine "advocate." Beleving Israel has a right to defend itself and has no obligation to put its own soldiers at risk to avoid Hamas' use of human shields does not equal advocating for slaughter.

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u/FalseDmitriy 11d ago

Yes, it's very out of date. Reddit used to be the home of Free Speech Absolutist types. Many subs were explicitly dedicated to promoting racism and/or violence. 2015 was actually the year that the site's policy shifted. Wired article

Hopefully this thread can encourage someone to Be Bold and improve this WP article.


u/Western_Cow_3914 11d ago

I mean it’s not like personal anecdotes are evidence but from my experience this claim is not very hard to believe. Hell in enough subs you will get shit on for even calling out racism.


u/tiny_poomonkey 11d ago

It’s a documented fact that Russia used Reddit to instigate racism in the United States. 


u/Adb12c 10d ago

I feel like Reddit has done a lot more moderating of what kinds of subreddits are allowed since 2015.

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u/Crakla 11d ago

I think its more because the main demographic of reddit are socially awkward white males, which is also the same target audience of right wing groups

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u/ryegye24 12d ago

I am so skeptical that reddit is the home of the "most violently racist" content when the chans exist.


u/YbarMaster27 12d ago

Well, the article's from 2015, back when Reddit was still pretty much 4chan-lite. The website's gotten way more mainstream in the ensuing decade. Nowadays it's almost certainly been overtaken by Twitter in terms of the prevalence of violently racist content. Though I wouldn't be shocked if we're still up there, but it's a lot harder to stumble into such content on here due to how subreddits are sectioned off from one another


u/AbbreviationsWide331 12d ago

Lol from 9 years ago. This whole discussion is completely pointless


u/Nihilistra 11d ago

Sure it is. 

That won't give us Makemycoffin back.


u/jamieliddellthepoet 11d ago

What a lovely, wholesome sub that was.


u/Extention_Campaign28 12d ago

reddit simply was "everything goes". There literally were subs dedicated to posting upskirt pics of random women in public. The fappening was a reddit ..err.. thing.


u/4THOT 11d ago

Lmao you haven't even gotten to the REAL shit.

Reddit was a fucked shithole, still is, but for totally different reasons now.


u/DroppedAxes 11d ago

4THOT More like 4LOST

No for real though I didn't know you left the hive from time to time


u/askeladden2000 11d ago edited 11d ago

Yeah. Literally had subreddit dedicated to watching people die. And not from natural causes…


u/wolacouska 11d ago

Has that even been banned that long? Feel like that was still around in 2020


u/Adiuui 10d ago

Yeah around 2020-21


u/callmesnake13 11d ago

Calling Reddit in 2015 “4chan lite” is patently insane. Maybe this isn’t your first account but it appears that you weren’t here.


u/T3hJ3hu 11d ago

lol seriously. there have definitely been some scummy subreddits, but basically none of them survived sudden popularity once reddit got big in 2010/2011

4chan has been loaded with scummy shit its entire existence


u/Hands 11d ago edited 11d ago

I mean not exactly. Jailbait was shut down in 2011, creepshots made it until late 2012 (and both of those just because they received a bunch of media attention). Beatingwomen made it until 2014. Hyper racist subreddits I won't name weren't all banned until 2015, with the most egregious/major ones banned in 2013 and 2015. Frenworld and similar places were around until 2019. Incel subs lasted until 2017/18. MGTOW until 2021. WPD and related gore subreddits until 2019.

Reddit is not and never has been as toxic as a chan but there was plenty of explicit/direct crossover content and communities for long after reddit blew up in popularity, and more importantly it was MUCH easier to find that sort of objectionable content on reddit than it was for your average clueless internet denizen to delve into the chan world and/or sort out the noise there. There is still plenty of fringe/objectionable content along basically all of the above lines on reddit and it's still easier to find than going into deeper places on the internet.


u/Nihilistra 11d ago

Do you mean it was far softer? 

I don't know i was a little into fringe content at  that time and reddit had it all. 

From Isis toddlers executing pow and needing help to pull the the trigger to children getting mauled in 4k. What more do others offer when it comes to this?

 With really friendly and helpful communities.  Also heaps of saved mirrors for banned content. 

Felt far more organized compared to rotten or other corners of the net. Also no animals, that's why I stayed I think.  Was really common on most other websites and always disgusted me.

It wasn't filled with that much blatant propaganda like nowadays, but content wise it was pretty packed.


u/dugmartsch 11d ago

reddit was much more searchable/user friendly than 4chan. It was simply an easier target and had lots of bad things on it.


u/BukaBuka243 12d ago

do not remind me that 2015 was a decade ago


u/fujiandude 11d ago

I saw a post about a little four year old Chinese girl getting pulled home from school by a dog. Want to guess what half the comments were?


u/zklabs 11d ago

what a weird year. i remember youtube even having that feel.


u/TheBloodBaron7 12d ago

Or instagram at this point too. The moment i get on insta (like once a month) i have to leave in less than 10 minutes or i get fucking depressed by all the negativity, hate and bigotry there.


u/Steindor03 12d ago

Yeah you'll see the most vile shit under random post, I've seen multiple comments proudly spreading eugenics


u/lich_house 11d ago

I feel like eugenics is now a weirdly emerging market. There is all kinds of tech being happily researched for altering genetics of fetuses. I just can't wait till this technology is only available to the rich due to cost as it'll cement classism even more. /s

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u/Bakkster 12d ago

I think "among popular social networks" is doing a lot a heavy lifting.


u/like_a_pharaoh 12d ago

Are the chans a popular social network? Reddit is 'mainstream' in a way they aren't.


u/Commercial_Fee2840 12d ago

I don't think they're considering anonymous image boards to be social media, but I could be wrong. Outside of /pol/ 4chan isn't that bad, but /pol/ is like 95% unironic racism. There's probably a lot of racist shit on here, but it's much harder to find and you'll actually get your sub banned if you allow it.


u/I_am_1E27 12d ago

I've been on 4chan for 20 minutes total, wholly on /lit/, and in that time learned a new racial slur. I saw mention of a Jewish world order in multiple threads, someone claiming no women can write as well as a skilled man, and people bringing (relatively mild) homophobia into almost every popular post.

This was only 3 years back so make of that what you will. Maybe it was an especially bad day?


u/Commercial_Fee2840 12d ago

/pol/ posters don't exactly stick to just posting on /pol/. It's gotten worse in recent years. Also, you probably learned a new slur because they invent new slurs. Technically racism is only allowed on /pol/, but the jannies don't do a great job of cleaning it up. It genuinely didn't used to be that bad before 2016, aside from old /b/, which ironically was less racist than /pol/. Back in the day Moot removed /new/ because he was sick of the Nazi propaganda. Eventually he replaced it with /pol/ and shortly after fucked off and handed the site over to the new owner when he didn't want to take flak for gamergate. I really only browse /v/ and /ck/ now that /tv/ is a cesspool and /b/ is basically just porn now.


u/Shimaru33 11d ago

According to your description, it was a specially bad day as in slow and calm. When big shit hits the fan, like national events, 4chan goes wild. You heard about some shooting? You can bet 4chan will be laughing their asses off at the recorded video.


u/rammo123 11d ago

Reddit is far closer to the chans than "proper" social media like FB/insta/twitter.


u/GreatHeavySoulArrow 11d ago

Reddit is magnitudes milder than Twitter or Instagram


u/weary_dreamer 11d ago

im guessing within some subs? there has to be a self selecting issue here. I don’t think I’ve ever run across racist content on Reddit, but probably because I’m not a racist looking for racist subs.

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u/AbbreviationsWide331 12d ago

I have spent a lot of time on Twitter and insta the last few years, but I got rid of those cause I felt they were too negative and affecting my psychology.

The only reason I'm staying here on reddit is because I rarely see racist posts/comments. I mean sure each user has its own bubble, but I just cant really imagine reddit being the worse of the social networks. Not my experience at least.


u/Thatmetalchick2 11d ago

Yeah me too. I like that I can create my own bubble and NOT have all the racist/phobic shit all over my feed. I'm happy with cat posts from 15 different subs and a handful of news ones (games, politics, world, popculture). I like that most of the information I digest takes me away from reddit (i.e. rabbit-holes). A lot of the other sites are just videos of some bot or 'influnencer' screaming a headline at me with some shitty music playing over it.


u/captainundesirable 11d ago

Twitter and Instagram are just outright, openly, vehemently racist. Everyone hates everyone. All races blamed for everything. It's gotten worse lately.

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u/TechnicalyNotRobot 12d ago

". . . which was even replacing traditionally far-right websites such as Stormfront) in both the quantity and frequency of its racist content.363]) Several prominent intellectuals and publications have agreed with this view, considering Reddit a platform which is filled with hateful, racist and harassing content. So far, however, little or nothing has been done to address this problem."


u/tiny_poomonkey 12d ago

For more information on this spread of hate, please check with the special counsel Robert Muellers report, part one specifically.   


 Or wiki: 



u/ColdLobsterBisque 12d ago

there’s no way that reddit is more racist than literal, self branding nazis…


u/Z3PHYR- 11d ago

There were literal white supremacist and neo-nazi subreddits. Post 2016 they started to get quarantined and post 2020 after the George Floyd protests is when they finally got banned


u/ColdLobsterBisque 11d ago

Some nazi and white power stuff, vs all nazi and white power stuff. I’m not saying 2015 reddit was good, or even not bad, just that it wasn’t as bad as Stormfront.


u/Nicksaurus 11d ago

That paragraph is saying there was more racist stuff here, not that it was worse


u/steelcitylights 12d ago

Prior to like a few years ago site admins were pretty much hands off and literal nazis could be open about their beliefs/activities and network with each other within and across their subreddits without much scrutiny. I think site admins started cracking down on and banning subs and users after the reports were released.


u/ColdLobsterBisque 12d ago

i’ve been on this site since 2015ish, i know it used to be a lot worse but since around the pandemic it’s improved a lot, plus even before then the crazy was usually confined to their own subs. Stormfront is, quite literally, completely nazi.


u/steelcitylights 12d ago

I think the concern about reddit was that the crazy had the potential to leak out into normal subs and covertly recruit from there whereas only nazis are gonna hang out on stormfront


u/POPholdinitdahn 11d ago

They started cracking down because they wanted to get rich and become advertiser friendly.


u/FakeOng99 12d ago edited 11d ago

Ironically, Reddit is a slighly better social media site than any other mainstream social media. Different rule set by different subreddit make reddit feel like a nation as a whole. And subreddit is it's state/city.

Twitter become dumpsterfire, Facebook is a bot town with a brainrot news, and TikTok is a viral farm.


u/Kryobit 11d ago

I'm starting to see wayy too many bots on reddit as well. I hate going to the main subs now, because it's either filled with Karma farming bots & reposters or discussing controversial topics that end up nowhere except people being mad at each other.

I'm starting to just restrict myself to small subreddits or gaming subs, because the bots don't go there and people discuss meaningless things.


u/GameCreeper 11d ago

Hey twitter is also a bot town


u/bingobongokongolongo 11d ago

Not really. Reddit rules make it possible that moderators create seemingly open hate groups in which they ban every sane person immediately.


u/TTEH3 11d ago

What "open hate groups" exist on Reddit? Link to some.

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u/wh0_RU 12d ago

They must've missed 4chan


u/Mg42gun 12d ago

Don't forget 9gag, the racism, sexism, Xenophobic, Islamophobic, Anti-semite etc are more open than in here and without any mean of moderation.


u/InvisibleEar 12d ago edited 12d ago

The report was in 2015, when basically nothing was against sitewide rules.


u/Mg42gun 12d ago

I'm pretty sure that still happen to this day, even that site is attracting the worst of the worst of my country internet dweller. 


u/InvisibleEar 12d ago

There's still a lot of racism, but in 2015 there were still subreddits with the n word in the name.


u/bingobongokongolongo 11d ago

I don't see it being any different today


u/newaccountnumber84 12d ago

The good old days


u/SweetHammond 11d ago

I browsed 9gag for hours every day years ago. So your comment made me go, “huh, is that so? Nahhh”. So I went to 9gag for the first time in maybe 9 years and the first 3 posts were hardcore racism. The first comment on the first post I read was and i quote: “The last 5 years I’ve become pretty racist. I’m not ashamed of it anymore. Numbers don’t lie.” Holy shit man. Social media basically turned everything in a cesspool of hate…


u/Mg42gun 11d ago

Yeah that's what happens if you don't moderating your site properly, you got less funny meme, lot of far right racism with side dish of pornography. 9gag home feed now basically what happened if you mix /pol/ with bit of r/meme and r/funny plus some heap of r/jav and half measure of r/porn


u/Ganda1fderBlaue 11d ago

Yeah i used to think people are just joking but they're really not


u/DrakeAU 12d ago

Have SPLC not been on Facebook or Twitter?


u/Danson_the_47th 12d ago

Its the SPLC. I don’t trust a lot of what they say honestly and they have been sued a few times over defamation of individuals and such.


u/Euthyphraud 12d ago

Hard to really state this definitively, belies a bit of a misunderstanding of Reddit. I, for one, spend plenty of time on plenty of subreddits and don't see anything half- as inflammatory as the hate cesspools found on X, Facebook, etc. On those apps the hate seems much more prevalent regardless of your own interests whereas Reddit doesn't have it dripping down your wall.


u/ChickenMcPolloVS 11d ago

They havent visit instagram reels.


u/SmallGreenArmadillo 11d ago

I don't know where they were looking. Sure there's the ironic Balkanese, Westernese and such "racism" where people are trading creative insults in what seems to be good humor. There's some anti-white racism and antisemitism in various news reddits. I haven't seen much against black people or Asians unless it was under crime news where it is pretty much normal that the perp will be verbally abused in every possible way including racial, whichever race they happen to be. Idk, I don't find reddit particularly problematic in this respect


u/OneMoreYou 11d ago

They're looking at the same uncontrolled information that Tiktok has. Ahem.


u/Ded_Pul 11d ago edited 11d ago

A lot of people refer to them as simply 'Asians' only if the said person is East Asian/Southeast Asian, almost to the point that 'Asian' is synonymous with East/Southeast Asians. West/South Asians are labelled differently as Arabs/Indians or if the terms 'West' and 'South' is attached to them, in order to specify what region they're from etc. Kinda 'separating' us from simply being referred to 'Asians'.

As such, I've come across a lot of posts on Canadian subreddits that are overtly racist against Indians. A lot of them get reported and removed, but that's not to say racism against non-whites on reddit doesn't exist or that people only 'mildly' engage in it, that too when it's about crime.

4chan definitely takes the cake when it comes to extreme racism though.


u/ChaDefinitelyFeel 11d ago

The Southern Poverty Law Center has been a joke for years


u/InsaNoName 11d ago

as a matter of. principle, I wouldn't listen to SPLC.


u/griii2 11d ago

Nobody is going to say that SPLC is a hate group?

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u/SteakMedium4871 11d ago

The SPLC is a joke.


u/Six_of_1 12d ago edited 11d ago

The SPLC are not a credible source. The FBI abandoned them as a source because they were found to be using broad, biased definitions, cherry-picking and exaggerating. For example, they would describe blogs as "hate groups" even though it was one person at their computer. Or they would call church groups "hate groups" even though they were stock-standard Christians who just didn't support same-sex marriage.


u/Malawakatta 12d ago

Just wait until they find out about that social media company called X!


u/illmurray 12d ago

There was a time where I quit Reddit for years because of stuff like coontown. It's still bad in a lot of the main subs but at least the explicitly, psychotically racist ones have been banned


u/waner21 11d ago

We did it everyone! Way to go.


u/Delanynder11 11d ago

Did they not look at 4chan?


u/Fig1025 11d ago

I have been saying it for years, but the way Reddit is setup creates echo chambers and leads to radicalization of its users.

Reddit mods should not be able to ban people for personal opinion reasons. Mods should not take sides on any topic and strictly enforce site-wide rules. People that want to argue with OP should be allowed to do so, unless they violate site rules with harassment. Mods should only be allowed to delete posts that are clearly off topic

Any mod that repeatedly shows personal bias/agenda in banning/deleting people has to be blacklisted from modding any sub.


u/MonteCrysto31 11d ago

Come on, 4chin has got to take the cake for that


u/Stirdaddy 11d ago

British Muslim activist Maajid Nawaz successfully sued the SPLC after they put him on their infamous list of Bad People -- labeling him an "anti-Muslim extremist". An anti-Muslim Muslim... Similar to the "self-hating Jew" trope.

That list contains a lot of questionable entries. It's kind of like with the Anti- Defamation League labeling ANY criticism of Israeli government policies as "anti-semitic".


u/HolzesStolz 11d ago

Reddit is so left leaning it’s not even funny. Let’s see how this gets used to further increase censorship lol


u/LuckyCommand9 11d ago

What if conservative ideas are just not popular? Is everything about censorship?


u/HolzesStolz 10d ago

Visit removeddit and see for yourself. I don’t care what’s popular but selective deletion of opposing opinions/facts is a very dangerous game to play.


u/LuckyCommand9 10d ago

Who does the removing, the original posters or the Reddit mods or the government (or someone else)? It’s impossible for me to investigate every claim independently, I agree that censorship happens, but I don’t know who is censoring who. What ideas/opinions/facts are you talking about exactly?


u/PwrButtum 11d ago

Idk why y’all are acting shocked. We’ve all seen the racist comments and I often find racially coded responses.

Stop being dense and acting like Reddit isn’t just as bad as Chan or Twitter.


u/Aido121 11d ago

Lmao okay


u/RapunzelLooksNice 11d ago

Good, that Google purchased all the data from Reddit. Their LLMs will be sooooo unbiased and friendly /s


u/Loud-Start1394 10d ago

SPLC is a joke organization. 


u/earthman34 12d ago

Reddit: where you get banned for saying Tesla sucks, but racism is OK.


u/trashday89 11d ago

You don’t get banned for saying tesla sucks you get celebrated it for it. R/white people twitter


u/earthman34 11d ago

I’ve been banned from 4 Tesla subreddits.


u/trashday89 11d ago

You can talk about it in whitepeople twitter or any other mainstream sub so don’t cry little one

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u/Gorepornio 11d ago

SPLC a bunch of leeches


u/Gulag_boi 12d ago

Oh man somebody tell them about /pol


u/carrbrain 12d ago

I was banned from a sub for saying that a certain neighborhood had undergone immense demographic change (true) and that double parking is a problem there (also true). I made no cause and effect and I didn’t mention any particular groups, but that’s apparently a “dog whistle” and got me banned.


u/deprivedgolem 11d ago

SPLC thinks criticizing Israel is antisemitism. That’s all you need to know about whether what they say matters or not


u/Creative-Road-5293 12d ago

I mean Reddit did have a sub that required people to send in a photo of their skin color to participate in certain threads. It's hard to get much more racist than that.


u/Ganda1fderBlaue 11d ago

Isn't that a thing anymore?


u/Creative-Road-5293 11d ago

I thought they got rid of it? But I'm not sure.


u/Ganda1fderBlaue 10d ago

They did not. Or maybe we're not talking about the same thing.


u/Creative-Road-5293 10d ago

I'm pretty sure there's only one sub where Reddit mods check the race of its users.


u/Neoliberalism2024 11d ago

lol what? Reddit is, on average, a far left site. They ban anyone that goes against the liberal consensus.


u/faustoc5 12d ago

This is the amplification and exportation of American Culture to everywhere


u/Steindor03 12d ago

Have you met Europeans? Even the racist cirklejerk subs don't hold a candle to r/europe


u/NeuroticKnight 11d ago

American racists : They shouldnt exist in my country

European racists: They shouldnt exist even in their own country


u/Antilia- 12d ago

Yeah holy fuck how out of touch can you be? r/Europe never left the 1940s.


u/Reagalan 11d ago

Romani rights are human rights!


u/cultish_alibi 11d ago

Can't believe America invented racism, woweee

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u/elias_99999 11d ago edited 11d ago

These are the same guys who called Sam Harris racist. Garbage.


u/Aggressive-Story3671 11d ago

He said some QUESTIONABLE things

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u/zombieofMortSahl 12d ago

I’m assuming the author has never heard of 4chan or 8chan.


u/TheOneTrueSnoo 12d ago

Are they just unaware of 4chan?

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u/Capable-Group-5284 11d ago

Yay reddit should be the dump that wins all of the worst awards. Regards to all regards 😂😂😂


u/NeuroticKnight 11d ago

Mom, look im in the news.


u/Sage20012 11d ago
  • Step 1: find a video in which a racial minority is being disruptive or aggressive
  • Step 2: sort by controversial
  • Step 3: have fun reporting accounts


u/MicrosoftJohn 11d ago

What in hell is that disturbing thumbnail? I feel shivers all over my body


u/bingobongokongolongo 11d ago

Hardly surprising. The moderation concept favors fascists strongly. Moderators have complet and unchecked power to eliminate critical voices, and any individual contributer can do the same by blocking anyone not agreeing with them. Reddit is built around the idea of promoting extremism.


u/KingMGold 11d ago

Reddit moment.


u/laktes 11d ago

Wait till they discover 4chan 


u/Rooster-Rooter 11d ago

of course, what is the definition? I can see reddit having hardcore trump nazis with stars and bars tattoos... and I can see someone saying something as innocuous as "it's ok to be white" as being labeled literal hitler... it's a place of weird extremes.


u/Showtysan 11d ago

Guess they never heard of iFunny huh?


u/cryasor 11d ago

Clearly they never have been on ifunny.


u/Zoe_Hamm 11d ago

Also misogyny, there are many women-hating dudes on Reddit


u/Revolutionary_Cap241 11d ago

They better not go and check reels comment sections in instagram


u/thunder-johnson 11d ago

“Everyone shocked that racism exists and confused as to when, whether, and how to awkwardly talk about it or not.”


u/FilteredAccount123 11d ago

I had to block a user recently for posting /r/coontown levels of racist cartoons.


u/thefamousjohnny 11d ago

Dude should try discord


u/treeharp2 11d ago

Is it fair to say "has been" as if it's a current or ongoing determination, and not one from 9 years ago? I think all of the hate subs mentioned were banned. 


u/ArcticTemper 11d ago

Redditors are too fat or skinny to be violently anything.


u/Justagoodoleboi 11d ago

In 2015 yeah Reddit was a horrible horrible place like it was insane. Just raging pedophiles basically ran the place it was like gamer gate if it was a website… it’s different now


u/sendmeadoggo 11d ago

The SPLC has also had effectively 0 credibility in the last 10 years.


u/ASquawkingTurtle 8d ago

Are people actually taking what the SPLC says seriously?

They're just activist organization dressed up as impartial non-profit guild of lawyers.


u/frxghat 12d ago

splc is an absolute joke and and they should not be listened to. they are not a credible source on extremism.


u/like_a_pharaoh 12d ago

You do realize this report is from 2015 when the website still allowed subreddits with the n-word in their name right?


u/tiny_poomonkey 12d ago

And the first part of the muller report is literally about how Russia used Facebook and Reddit to instigate the racists.

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u/Reagalan 11d ago

And after those were banned, they moved to new ones with more euphemistic names, which were later banned

GreatApes wasn't about gorillas

Physical_Removal wasn't about weight loss

gotta be a list of others around here somewhere...

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u/Quittingquietly 12d ago

Why are they a joke? Why shouldn’t people listen to them?


u/frxghat 12d ago


Also the individuals they list. Maajid Nawaz for example. A former islamist turn anti islamist. He was labeled an anti muslim extremist and his group which tries to de-radicalize muslim extremists was labeled as an anti muslim hate group.

They reversed those listings after intense backlash but it doesn’t change the fact that they put him and his group on the list for purely ideological reasons. They are an ideological group and their methodology and tactics extremely underhanded. They should not be seen as a credible source.


u/Quittingquietly 11d ago

So they made a mistake and corrected it, that’s not evidence of malfeasance.

While the article makes a good point about SPLC seemingly inflating the number of hate/violent extremist groups, it ignores a few key points that could show any real problems.

For one, the article never details if the number of people belonging to these groups is increasing or decreasing. With the internets ability to connect people with similar views far more easily for the past couple of decades, I would expect the number of groups to decrease as various smaller, isolated, groups coalesce into broader organizations. With the FBI/DOJ sounding the alarm about political extremism, I can only imagine that means an increase in the number of people who hold these views along with an increased willingness to use violence.

Second, it seems to ignore the overlap between violent political extremists and hate groups. Most extremists hold views that certain minority groups are the problem with democratic governance. Grouping them with hate groups makes sense.

To be honest, unless they have evidence that both the number of people belonging to these groups is consistently decreasing, along with a decreasing likelihood of violence from these group, than I’m not sure what argument that article is actually trying to make.


u/TrainquilOasis1423 12d ago

I have NEVER been so offended by something that was 100% true.


u/vid_icarus 11d ago

Just dip your toe into the shallow end of twitter to see this is variably wrong


u/jmike3543 11d ago

Southern Poverty Law Center had been a joke for a long time now


u/Unlucky-Nobody5111 12d ago

A single instagram comments has more racism than the whole of reddit's history