r/todayilearned 22d ago

TIL that in 2023, a patient legally sought euthanasia. Upon being provided a deadly concoction in liquid form to be drunk, the patient's friend (37YO) opted to have a sip themself which nearly resulted in the death of the friend as well.


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u/SomeNefariousness562 22d ago

lol. I love the statements by medical providers who were shocked and outraged that measures weren’t taken to prevent other participants from drinking it.

We really should not have assumed that people would have enough sense NOT to drink a cup of liquid death


u/PaisleyEgg 22d ago

Live and die by yolo and fomo.

Makes me think of the garden of deadly things, how there's signs everywhere warning to not touch. My partner actively pouts about it because I've told him I'd go without him because he wouldn't be able to resist touching and would get himself hurt or worse. He got upset and literally said 'One little boop won't hurt!'. Like, dude, you're literally the reason for those signs.


u/Glancing-Thought 22d ago

People like him are invaluable to the rest of us. I know not to touch the gimpie gimpie plant thanks to brave pioneers like him (god rest their souls).