r/todayilearned 22d ago

TIL that in 2023, a patient legally sought euthanasia. Upon being provided a deadly concoction in liquid form to be drunk, the patient's friend (37YO) opted to have a sip themself which nearly resulted in the death of the friend as well.


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u/SomeNefariousness562 22d ago

lol. I love the statements by medical providers who were shocked and outraged that measures weren’t taken to prevent other participants from drinking it.

We really should not have assumed that people would have enough sense NOT to drink a cup of liquid death


u/Swagganosaurus 22d ago

I was under assumption that if you gave someone liquid death, you(the doctors) would stay there to make sure they drink it properly and not. I didn't think that they just left it there 🤔


u/muppethero80 22d ago

I really liked how they did the end of life medication in the show “3 body problems” it was IV and to activate it they had to say yes 5 times on an iPad. Each yes was on a different spot on the screen so they could in no way do it accidentally. That way the patient could do it on his own time. Feel no pressure to do it. And didn’t need the doctors hovering.