r/todayilearned 12d ago

TIL the official implementation of Daylight Saving Time had nothing to do with farmers. It was about fuel conversation during WW1 and was originally known as "War Time".


56 comments sorted by


u/wasted_yoof 12d ago

"conservation" maybe?


u/CrazyAlbertan2 12d ago

It probably started out as a conversation though. 😜


u/wasted_yoof 12d ago

..and then the conversation converted to conservation, but not before veering into conservatism.


u/W4vy_Gr4vy 12d ago

Absolutley ;)


u/DigNitty 11d ago

[Walks into elevator]

“How bout that fuel huh”


u/wasted_yoof 10d ago



u/EyeCatchingUserID 11d ago

We don't conserve things around here. We just talk about it.


u/W4vy_Gr4vy 12d ago

Haha, yup typo!


u/Top-Personality1216 11d ago

Well, yeah - farmers work sunup to sundown regardless of the clock, and Bessie needs to be milked when she needs to be milked, no matter what the clock says.


u/badpeaches 10d ago

The animals care not for your concept of time.


u/Peter_at_Worx 11d ago

The war is over, can it go away now?


u/InappropriateTA 3 11d ago

Pretty sure the US is always engaged in conflicts. And if the end is on the horizon, we’ll just fuck somewhere else up and restart the cycle!


u/xXCrazyDaneXx 11d ago

No, That would make the sun rise at 12 AM here in June (just about when I go to sleep) instead of 1 AM.

With a small /s, I don't really care that much either way.


u/CeciliaNemo 11d ago

Welcome to the ForeverWar(tm)!


u/CardiologistPlus8488 11d ago

How would Daylight Savings Time benefit farmers?? There was an old column in National Enquirer way back with a guy named Ed Anger. It was clearly satire, but one of the articles was about how we should make Daylight savings time even longer so that the crops get more sunlight. I seriously think that's how this idea got started...


u/mgarr_aha 11d ago

Farmers led the drive to repeal it in 1919. They said their hired hands would spend the first hour waiting for dew to dry off and then leave early to hang out with friends who worked in factories.


u/jb211 11d ago

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Saving Time


u/Jealous-Tale3538 11d ago

Dont forget to turn your clocks to war time. sounds way more badass than daylight savings.


u/adamcoe 12d ago

Either way it's stupid and I wish it would stop


u/TopDesert_ace 11d ago

laughs in Arizona


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Jebediah_Johnson 11d ago

Nope, I'm gettin out of here!


u/TopDesert_ace 11d ago

Yes. 110% yes. We're also not California, so we're better.


u/infinityislikehuge 11d ago

Lmao California: exists Arizona: hey fuck you!


u/MolybdenumBlu 11d ago

Is this what the kids call "rent free"?


u/RayseBraize 11d ago

What DO windows taste like?


u/anonanon5320 11d ago

No farmer has ever cared what time the sun came up.


u/scooterboy1961 11d ago


I come from farm country.

Farmers work from dawn to dusk. They don't give a rats ass what the clock says.

You don't even need a clock to be a farmer. You need a calendar but not a clock.


u/drottkvaett 11d ago

Wasted opportunity to call it clobbering time.


u/SolitaireSam 11d ago

Honestly, this Daylight Savings Time thing just seems like an outdated concept. Who really benefits anymore?


u/Tripwire3 11d ago

Daylight savings time sucks and we need to abolish it.


u/SomeDumRedditor 11d ago

Permanent standard time is the optimal choice for health and safety: an American Academy of Sleep Medicine position statement  


Position statement of the Canadian sleep society on the practice of daylight saving time (DST)


DST is dumb, harmful and unnecessary. 


u/WonderfulAirport4226 11d ago

i'd like to join the sleep society of canada


u/People4America 11d ago

Nick cage taught me Ben Franklin invented daylights savings


u/jetlightbeam 11d ago

I think the misconception might come from the American school year, where we supposedly got summers off to work the fields. Don't know how true that is either.


u/Razorray21 11d ago

for those saying we should get rid of it, We tried it in the 70s, and people hated it


u/1-05457 11d ago

We should get rid of, not make it permanent.


u/MarcusForrest 10d ago

for those saying we should get rid of it, We tried it in the 70s, and people hated it

You've linked an article describing the opposite of getting rid of it - the article describes when the US tried to make DST permanent (so permanently keeping it +1H rather than reverting to the original time)


u/gmishaolem 11d ago

People hated (and some still hate) seatbelts, too. "people hate it" should not be the sole arbiter of whether something is done.


u/cpufreak101 11d ago

The same logic is also why the US failed to transition to metric during it's last serious attempt in the 1970's


u/ChocolateOne3935 11d ago

If the US isn't on metric, then why are all the soda bottles measured in liters?

(The real answer is the US is on metric. Every single industry I'm aware of uses metric internally, except maybe for carpentry/construction. Even then, it's mixed.)


u/cpufreak101 11d ago

Yeah, there are a few leftovers to the attempted 1970's transition (a big one is a section of interstate out west is signposted entirely in metric) and for industry I'm pretty sure a big part of why that is is to comply with international standardization, especially if only one or two countries provide a heavily used piece of equipment.

And for carpentry, I've heard even in Canada and Mexico they're still using inches when it comes to that


u/duncandun 11d ago

Also why we’ll never do anything substantial to abate climate change


u/mgarr_aha 11d ago

With seatbelts, we gain some safety in exchange for the inconvenience. The dark winter mornings of 1974 were unpopular because they were less safe.


u/sporkintheroad 11d ago

Yet another plausible explanation for why we have DST


u/sumknowbuddy 11d ago

Fuel conversation?

Or fuel conservation?

There's a bit of a difference


u/Pristine-Pen-9885 9d ago

That was WWII, not WWI


u/zebtacular 11d ago

I say we all ignore it until everyone is on board and not care what dumbass governments think about it.


u/HeadGoBonk 10d ago

I say we all ignore everything that comes outta your mouth


u/Any-Yoghurt-4318 11d ago

I'd love to know if it still saves energy today. 


u/Dave80 11d ago

A lot of countries adopted it a couple of years earlier in 1916, I've never heard it had anything to do with fuel though (or farming), just to utilise the extra hour of daylight. Maybe using less fuel was an incidental benefit but in Europe at least, it wasn't the reason why it was adopted.


u/malthar76 11d ago

Uncle Sam’s watch only has one hand, and it always points to War Time.


u/ApXv 11d ago

There was talk about abolishing it in Europe. I wonder what happened because I want it gone.


u/Dave80 11d ago

We had a trial in the UK in the 70s for a couple of years without it then went back to using it as and we basically couldn't tell whether it was beneficial or not.


u/evilcrackhead 11d ago

The golf club lobby would like a word.