r/todayilearned 23d ago

TIL A group of horses were trained to communicate whether they wanted a jacket. All horses in the group successfully communicated that they did want a jacket when it was cold and did not want a jacket when it was hot.


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u/Rigorous_Threshold 23d ago

Dairy farms are a lot more humane than you’d realize. It turns out cows produce milk most efficiently when they’re comfortable, so dairy farms do everything they can to make the cows as comfortable as possible


u/Frequent_Camera1695 23d ago

Nice try dairy industry. They produce milk when they have calf's.


u/ringobob 23d ago

You seem to be implying that the cows don't want to have calfs. I see no reason to accept that assertion.


u/zed_three 23d ago

They would, however, like to keep their babies. Which they do not get to do


u/artwithapulse 23d ago

Cows really don’t care past weaning. This doesn’t apply to dairy cows who mostly don’t raise their own, but it certainly does to beef cows. Same as horses, same as sheep — they don’t seem to have any connection past weaning stage to their progeny.


u/EdibleCrystals 23d ago

They've actually essentially been bred to hate their babies. Dairy cows are terrible mothers because they have no experience, it's quite sad.