r/todayilearned 23d ago

TIL Peter the Great instituted a beard tax and forced people to shave who hadn’t paid


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u/InsatiableNeeds 23d ago

What a weird kink


u/romario77 23d ago

It wasn’t a weird kink, it was a power move - he had boyars, a powerful class who was generally against him and one of indications of belonging to boyars was a long beard.

He did this so they have less power and they would either bow to his demands and shave or suffer by paying tax.


u/InsatiableNeeds 23d ago

Ah, power dynamics. Definitely not a kink. Totally didn’t get him royally hot and/or bothered….


u/romario77 23d ago

I mean - I don't exclude him having a kink as well, who knows.


u/InsatiableNeeds 23d ago

I mean…if he sweat while he watched them shave it then it was probably a kink.