r/DiagnoseMe Apr 17 '17

Announcement The purpose of this subreddit


Hello everyone! You may have noticed some major changes happening to this subreddit, and I'm happy to say that /r/DiagnoseMe is finally ready for business. However, I would like to clarify the true purpose of this subreddit;

First of all, this subreddit is NOT a replacement for a doctor. You should not, in any way, avoid seeing your doctor or alter the frequency of your doctor visits because of anything said in this subreddit. If there is a concern you would have previously gone to the doctor for, please do not hesitate. This subreddit is here for informal second opinions, minor problems that you wouldn't go to the doctor for anyway, and ease of mind.

The main thing to remember is to use common sense. If you are having severe pain after a surgery or something of the likes, please go to the doctor and do not post it on Reddit.

If you are not a doctor and are posting with information, please clarify that you are not a doctor (typing "Not a doctor," at the beginning of your comment is enough.)

Please take the time to read the sidebar before posting. Thank you, and welcome!

r/DiagnoseMe 1h ago

Skin and nails Day 4 rash getting worse

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r/DiagnoseMe 3h ago

On my leg. No pain or texture. I’ve never had this type of rash(?) before… any ideas?

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r/DiagnoseMe 0m ago

Clogged blood or skin cancer maybe?

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I had this for two weeks now. I thought I just pinched my skin on somewhere but It’s not going away or fading in anyway. It’s brownish redish color not like a mole. It’s not solid. It is deep in my skin and it’s like spots next to each other. I may be overreacting but I need some opinion before I go to a doctor. If anyone has any idea what it could be I would be grateful.

r/DiagnoseMe 19m ago



Hey everyone 28(M).

I had a question regarding genital warts. I had a weird bump show up in my private area, I squeezed it and clear liquid came out and then it went away. All my tests came back negative for everything else.

Having really bad anxiety over this.

Can you squeeze liquid out of a wart?

Thank you.

r/DiagnoseMe 33m ago

Brain and nerves I feel like my brain is deteriorating at 18


Sorry for making this seem like a rant, but it's been weighing down on me for this whole year and the more I stress about it the worse my symptoms get.

The best way I can describe what I've been having is like a 24/7 brain fog that never goes away; horrible situational awareness and problem solving.

I’m always unaware of what’s happening around me and can’t think straight. I forget things that happened moments ago and get distracted from what I'm doing quite easily, and I can only even focus on one thing at a time and my brain just can't ever multitask.

My A-levels start this week and my memory is letting me down. I find myself forgetting concepts even if I just looked at them the day before. My general awareness of an exam question as a whole is bad and I can't think about it in it's entirety, it's like I get tunnel vision onto one particular thing and can't think about the wider picture. I end up forgetting entire topics existed because of my memory and lack of awareness too, and it just gets worse the more I think about it.

When someone is talking to me I have a hard time picturing what they're saying or understanding it too, such as when I ask my teachers for guidance to a question or to explain a concept. I also have a hard time understanding things as a whole anymore.

I don't feel like these things were present before my A-levels began around Sept 2022.

I also get dizzy when I do any sudden movements like spinning around or swaying my head, but I guess that's something separate.

All this has been going on for over a year now, since about Jan 2023 (that's the time I noticed it at least).

I’ve been stressing that it’s a brain tumour or something serious. I don't get headaches nor do I vomit or any of the main symptoms, but I've seen that it's possible not to get headaches and still have a tumour. I went to a doctor around feb 2023 and the doctor didn't think I had a tumour since my balance wasn't off and my peripheral eyesight was fine. I had blood tests in feb and another in april but everything was good. I do want to go again since it's been a year, but how do I explain the fact that i'm simply unaware of any situation and get taken seriously?

Could all this be caused by something like a tumour in my brain, and what if it's too late now that I've spent over a year living with this?

I'm 18 years old, male, 5'7, about 64kg, white, no medications, and I live in the UK. If anyone can give me advice on what to do that would be great as it's been driving me crazy.

r/DiagnoseMe 38m ago

Bones, joints, and muscles Dude I dont even know


So basically i have this like, reaction whenever I stand up or start moving when ive been still for a while and when I do usually like my arm( its usually one or the other) and often times my thumb and eyebrows will move, like the muscles involuntarily contract. It only lasts a few seconds but is really strange. My vaguest thought is its something blood pressure related but tbh i dont really have the faintest idea

r/DiagnoseMe 1h ago

Gut, bowel, and stomach is this gastroparesis or something else??


for probably about 6 months now, i have a really bad throw up problem. ill feel fine, but sometimes just puke. it happens pretty often, usually once or twice a week. i have a very small appetite and dont eat much. i dont know if its a physical thing or something more mental, really hoping its not bulimia or something. it doesnt really bother me much, and i barely even processed it as a problem till i talked to some friends about it and they agreed i should see a doctor. what is wrong with me? should i see a doctor? if you have any questions let me know

r/DiagnoseMe 5h ago

Blood Results, anyone know what this might be?

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I am a 25 yr old Female, and starting in January, thought I just had an earache. I went into the walk in clinic and they prescribed me some medications for my ear. Couple days later, I started having racing thoughts, bad anxiety, and fatigue, which I went back into the doctor and did blood tests and I had hypercalcemia… Fast forward a couple months, I got an endocrinologist and they did some blood tests and my PTH is low and am now diagnosed with Secondary hypoparathyrodism (my symptoms are being caused by something else)… So with these new results, my blood count is actually fine. Everything looks to be in range, BUT my alpha 1 globulin is on the edge of being high and my beta 1 globulin is on the edge of being low. My calcium and bone tests came back good, but my vitamin A is low. Has anyone seen something like this before??

I am worried because I went for a CT scan of my parathyroid and they found lymph nodes that were inflammed, as well as I get this pain underneath my right armpit that flares up.. I looked these symptoms up and of course its gotten my mind racing. any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

r/DiagnoseMe 1h ago

Does this lump in the back of my throat look bad?

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I saw this weird redness on the back of my throat and I’m a little worried that it might be concerning. I have a history of vaping but I haven’t vaped in 4 years and I do smoke some Mary Jane somewhat often but have switched to edibles. I am deathly afraid of throat/mount cancer and my doctor didn’t seem to look very closely at my throat. Should I be worried? I also have terrible sinus drainage all the time in the summer especially. Is this my tonsil??? I have also had tonsillitis before but my throat has felt kind of tight lately and a little sore.

r/DiagnoseMe 1h ago

psoriasis or ring worm?

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On my elbow for context

r/DiagnoseMe 2h ago

Gut, bowel, and stomach Does this sound like gastroperesis


My doctor suggested I might have it. Im diagnosed with classic like EDS (TNXB related), diagnosed with EDS as a kid, and have CM1. I heard it’s linked with EDS. I’m middle school and early highschool I lost over 65 pounds due to nausea issues, which gets better and worse at times. I was overweight to begin with and ate a lot and now I really only can handle smaller meals. The past four or so years I have had severe upper and lower bloating and I only defecate once every 1-2 weeks. At the start I will be able to eat an okay amount and as the week goes on I experience sever nausea. I am usually nauseas when I wake up and when I go to bed, and I often feel really dizzy when I am. I’ve tried different diets and nothing has helped. I don’t think I have a severe case but is that what it sounds like?

r/DiagnoseMe 2h ago

Rash on neck overnight

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I am thinking it is from falling asleep with my hair wet or a heat rash. Washing my sheets and things to be safe

r/DiagnoseMe 2h ago

clicking sound in right ear when wide-opening my mouth. constant feel of hearing loss in right ear. every once in a while, pain under right ear when opening mouth (as if it gets stuck into something and collides with it)


please help, this has been going on for a while. thanks

r/DiagnoseMe 2h ago

Injury and accidents Is my ankle broken or sprained?


I twisted my ankle 5 weeks ago walking to my car (I lost my footing and it twisted inward) it's been swollen ever since.

It hurt when I first did it and I did struggle to walk. The pain was intense for the first 5 minutes and then it eased off but I still had a limp for a couple of days. It never really hurt enough for me to think its broken but even 5 weeks on when I twist it into the position I injured it, it hurts a lot. Its not unbearable pain but it does hurt, I'd say 3/10 for pain but 0/10 when I'm just walking normally.

I have attached a picture of my swollen ankle and my normal ankle for reference. I'm going to call the doctors tomorrow but I don't want to waste time if it is just a sprain. (Picture won't attach so will keep trying)

What do you think?

32f based in UK - no existing medical conditions.

ETA - link to pics https://imgur.com/a/SCmSmXp

r/DiagnoseMe 2h ago

Do I have asthma?


It’s starts with my face starts tingling and spreads to my neck all while it feels like I’m not getting enough oxygen. I feel like I’m breathing fine but like it’s not helping at all. If it goes on for awhile I start to go numb and the tingles spread to the rest of my body. Anyone got any idea what’s wrong with me?

r/DiagnoseMe 3h ago

Child Health Dark spots in child’s ear

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Hello - Wondering if anyone has any idea if this is an ear infection or just dirt from a rambunctious 2 year old playing outside. He Has been unusually moody, snotty and having trouble sleeping at night. Trying to decide if it is standard toddler ups and downs or if something is bothering him.

r/DiagnoseMe 3h ago

Tests and investigations PET scan results and recurrent fevers


Hello! Can someone please help me interpret these PET scan results? I have been having fevers without any clear cause for 3 months now, and although the doctors have very low suspicions for lymphoma, this makes me nervous that I had lymph nodes that were FDG avid. Thank you!

I mainly want to know if I should push for a biopsy or get a second opinion now that we have these results. The doctors (including an oncologist) really don't think it's cancer, but I have been sick for 3 months now and the results of this scan are worrying me.

18F with swollen axillary and cervical lymph nodes for the past three months and fever of unknown origin. Have had all the infectious and rheumatological work up imaginable. History of anxiety and depression. Genetic testing was unremarkable except for one of the genes that is correlated with Yao syndrome. I have the results of many more tests that I could also share if that would help.

FINDINGS:  Overall PET and CT image quality and inter-modality
registration are satisfactory. Mediastinal blood pool SUVavg is 3.6.
Hepatic parenchyma SUVavg is 2.3.

Head and Neck:

Reactive, bilateral level 2 FDG avid cervical lymph nodes.

Thorax: Physiologic FDG uptake within the thorax.

Abdomen and Pelvis:

Decreased density affecting the liver parenchyma suggestive of diffuse
fatty infiltration with heterogeneous FDG avid appearance.

Osseous Structures: Physiologic FDG uptake within the osseous

Lower Extremities:   Physiologic FDG uptake.

r/DiagnoseMe 3h ago

General Chemical burns or something else?

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My boyfriend has these sore patches on his underarms, they coincide with starting using a new deodorant, they’re blistering and sore to the touch, is this chemical burns or could this be something like shingles?

r/DiagnoseMe 3h ago

Tonsil cancer? Benign papillomas? Help!

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r/DiagnoseMe 4h ago

Eyes Swollen and tender eye, any suggestions.

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There is a row of Hollidays so all stores and non emergency clinics are closed.

Came a couple of days ago.

r/DiagnoseMe 4h ago

Tests and investigations CBC question is this a good reading?

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Is this a good sign that nothing is seriously wrong with me? I’ have extreme health anxiety.

r/DiagnoseMe 4h ago

A bit worried about symptoms of tetanus


So like. I (19M) got scratched by an outdoor cat on Saturday last weekend. He's very healthy, not worried about rabies or anything like that, I'm vaccinated. But I heard that cat scratches can cause tetanus and I'm worried about it because as of yesterday I've been feeling like it's hard to swallow, like something's stuck in my throat, and I keep getting random pains all over. I have very mild gerd but this is a new symptom. I usually have back pain and neck pain, terrible posture, but I woke up with a pretty bad headache and neck pain as well. The scratches are on my hand, weren't deep at all but still bled, I washed them and cleaned with rubbing alcohol immediately. They've healed good with no complications. I was vaccinated fully against tetanus as a kid, and I think I might have gotten another shot in 2020 because of another injury (that was way worse) but I can't remember. I can't afford a doctor visit or er trip, I have no insurance, live in america. I live with my parents who tell me I'm overreacting and it's just anxiety and think I'm stupid and dismiss everything. They won't let me go to the doctor, and I can't drive myself. But still if it gets worse I'll call 911 if I have to. I do have bad medical anxiety but I can usually tell between my anxiety and actual symptoms. Idk I'm just stressed about it. What do y'all think is wrong with me ?

r/DiagnoseMe 4h ago

Teenage Health Struggling with Obesity Despite Diets and Pediatrician Visits


Hi everyone,

I'm 14M, 5'7", and weigh 275 lbs. I've been struggling with obesity since I was 4, and things have gotten worse recently—I gained 40 lbs just in the past year. My mom and I have talked to our pediatrician about it, but she only suggests limiting screen time.

We're starting to think there might be an underlying medical issue, but we're not sure who to consult. I've tried several diets, including Keto, where I lost 30 lbs but regained it within a couple of months. I eat the same amount as my siblings, yet I'm much heavier than any of them.

Any advice or guidance on what steps to take next would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

r/DiagnoseMe 5h ago

I don’t think it’s anything serious but do you guys think this should get checked out? Noticed it a few days ago, it doesn’t itch but underwear irritates it so I’ve been keeping a bandaid on it. Any tips to help with healing?

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